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In order for us to gather the correct information and broker the best possible finance plan for you, we suggest that you contact us to discuss your loan application. Then we will send you all the relevant information and application forms.


We do  suggest that you download and print two copies of our Application can use one as a worksheet to guide you through the process, and send the other completed application to us at Click on the links below to download the appropriate forms, or simply contact the team.


Please Note : As required by law, you must attach a signed copy of our Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Statement to your online application. You can (download and) save the forms, so that you can print and sign it before sending it back to us to process. If you are unable to print and scan the document, please contact us BEFORE proceeding.

(Updated 14.04.19)


Important : As required by law, you must attach a signed copy of our Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Act to your online application. You can download and save the forms (below), so that you can print and sign them before sending with your application.

If you are unable to print and scan the document, please contact us BEFORE proceeding.

terms form
Low interest loans from TMF Finance


To verify your acceptance of the above Terms and Conditions please complete the form below with your name(s), date and signature(s) and submit. You can download a copy to sign and return by post if preferred. Lender(s) signature is required.

Terms & Conditions

I/We understand and authorise that:


The information received from me/us will be securely held by the relevant financier (“Financial Privacy Act 1993”) The information may be used by the financier to: consider my/our application and monitor any facilities, products or services provided to me/us; conduct market research, data processing & statistical analysis: and unless I/we disagree, provide me/us with information about other facilities, products or services including selected third party products or services. The Financier may disclose information about me/us to its related companies (as defined by the Companies Act 1993), agents or contractors for the above purposes. The Financier may disclose information about me/us to credit reference agencies for the purpose of obtaining a credit report on me/us. Those credit reference agencies may retain that information and provide it to their customers who use their credit reporting services. If I/we default in any obligations to the Financier then information about me/us may be disclosed to credit reference or debt recovery agencies and retained by them. Those agencies may provide that information to their customers who use their credit reporting services.


The Financier may obtain information and make such enquiries about me/us as that Financier considers warranted from any source including from its related companies (as defined by the Companies Act 1993), credit reference agencies and the Minister of Justice for the above purposes. The Financier may also check the current status of me/our drivers licences and car registration with the LTSA, Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR), Transport Registry Centre, Drivers Licence Database, NZ Transport Agency Motor Vehicle Ownership Register, Land Information NZ, Internal Affairs and any other government agencies and fines status with the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) Also I consent to Electronic Communications* and to using Equifax* (EIVP),  ID Plus* and Bank Links using Proviso*.
I/We acknowledge that TMFNZ use a third party service provider, Proviso, to obtain bank statement information. To provide this service Proviso* uses your banking credentials solely for the purpose of retrieving banking data and returning it to us. By using this service you agree to the terms and conditions of the Proviso service.

*Refer and privacy policy


*Equifax using (EIVP) Electronic Identity
*Verification Protocol ID Plus

*Electronic Communications - you consent to us communicating with you electronically with respect to your application and/or loan

I have read, understood and accept the Terms and Conditions as set out in this document.


To verify your acceptance of the above Terms and Conditions please SIGN this below with your name, date and signature.

Thanks for verifying the above terms and conditions.


To verify your acceptance of the Privacy Act 1993 please download and fill in the form below with your name(s), date and signature(s), scan and send back to us by email. You can download a copy to sign and return by post if preferred. Lender(s) signature is required.

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